Hello! Thanks for stopping by.
I'm a storyteller, writer and heritage learning practitioner working in schools, museums, outdoor settings, heritage sites, churches and libraries.
I love playing with words, stories and ancient artefacts.
Click on the menu above, or the buttons below, to find out more about me and my work.
Do get in touch - I'd love to work with you!

A range of storytelling, creative writing, History & Christianity in RE workshops for EYFS, KS1 & KS2

Museums & other sites
Stories & workshops for museums, heritage sites, outdoor settings, churches, libraries, festivals & more

Heritage learning interpretation
Learning resources created for museums, heritage sites, churches & outdoor settings

Storytelling training
Training for teachers, heritage professionals & volunteers

About me
Find out more about Elizabeth Baker

Fees & Testimonials
Fees, insurance and all the other nitty, gritty bits and pieces