Stories, object handling and activities to support teaching St Bede in KS1
Supports KS1 RE syllabus work on St Bede
Full day: 2 classes. Half day: 1 class.

A little boy leaves home and never returns. He grows up to be one of our first historians - and a very important northern saint.
Tales of St Bede introduces pupils to a boy who joined the monastery at just 7 years of age.
Find out what life was like for Bede, and other boys, in the monastery in Anglo-Saxon times.
Hear about Bede's splendid scientific theories (such as how he came to decide that the world was round) and learn more about his life as a writer and his famous history book.
You'll see a monk's habit and be invited to join the monastery - what would you find hard to leave behind when you leave home?
You might make your own monk, develop your potion making skills (there's been a plague in the monastery) or decorate an illuminated page.
Tales of St Bede draws from the Venerable Bede's own books and contemporary writing about his life and death and offers opportunities for pupils to reflect on his life of faith and commitment and consider why his life, and work, is still important today.
"The workshop for our Y2 class was perfect last year, same again please!" RE coordinator, Sunderland primary school